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Specialists in wild bird foods and feeders

Flip Top Suet Block Feeder Plastic Feeder
Flip Top Suet Block Feeder Plastic Feeder
Flip Top Suet Block Feeder Plastic Feeder

Flip Top Suet Block Feeder Plastic Feeder

Brand Maltbys' Stores

Composition: Powder-coated carbon steel cage with plastic lid
Approximate size: 15cm wide; 15cm high (without handle); 5cm deep

Our range of Johnston & Jeff wild bird feeders have been specially designed to cater to a full range of wild bird feeding needs. Lovingly crafted at the Johnston & Jeff workshop in Gilberdyke, UK, every one of our seed feeders will make an attractive addition to any garden or feeding station. They can be easily hung from feeding tables or perches, or from more natural positions, such as tree branches. They are available in a range of finishes, each one designed to withstand harsh conditions so that you can continue to feed your feathered friends whatever the weather.
Our Flip Top wild bird feeders are made primarily of a robust green plastic. Their flip top lids make them easy to fill: simply flip the lid open, fill and clip shut again. They are a cheaper alternative to more expensive metal feeders, but if you are looking for a more durable and long-lasting feeder we would recommend something from our Green Metal or Hammertone range.

Where is the best place to hang a bird feeder?
Bird feeders can be hung in a number of locations, however it is best to be mindful that birds needs somewhere safe if they are going to settle and eat. We would recommend hanging your feeders at least 5 feet (1.5m) from the ground, and preferably away from fences or hedges where cats or other predators might be hiding. A nearby water source, such as a bird bath or a shallow container of fresh water, can also help attract birds to your feeders. And we would always recommend putting them in view of a window - that way you can enjoy watching any feathered friends who visit your garden!
How often should I clean my bird feeders?
When using bird feeders or feeding stations, there is a marginally increased risk of birds spreading diseases. We recommend cleaning and disinfecting your bird feeders regularly to minimise the risk of infection, preferably every 2 weeks. To clean your feeders, you should first dispose of any remaining feed inside, as this cannot be reused. Wearing rubber gloves, thoroughly clean your feeder in hot soapy water, then rinse under an outside tap and leave to dry completely before reusing. For extra protection, spray your feeder with a veterinary disinfectant, rinse and dry again before use.
How often do I need to refill my feeders?
You will find your bird feeders empty more quickly or slowly depending on a number of factors, including what time of year it is, which birds are common in your area, and whether or not other people locally are also putting out wild bird food. Ideally you should refill your bird feeders as soon as they are empty, as wild birds learn where safe food sources are and return to them when they next need to feed. Be particularly mindful during cold months that your feeders may empty more quickly, as birds rely on feeders when other food sources are unavailable.
How can I prevent squirrels from getting at my feeders?
Many people who use wild bird feeders experience persistent problems with squirrels and other rodents being attracted to the food, often scaring away any birds you are hoping to attract. This can be a very hard problem to overcome, as squirrels are known for being particularly persistent and can launch themselves long distances from trees or other vantage points. If possible, try to position your feeder at least 5 feet from the ground and at least 10-15 feet from any trees or fences. Pole-mounted feeders can also offer more protection than those hanging from tables or trees.

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