Front Lawn Grass Seed (HM2)
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Maltbys' Stores
Our front lawn seed is a ryegrass-free grass mix designed to give your lawn a high-quality, attractive finish. Like all our grass seed, front lawn seed mix is Defra approved and is of the highest purity and quality we can source.
Front lawn seed is ideal for those who want a lawn with stunning visual appeal. Packed with fine-leaved, high shoot density grass species, it will produce a grass with beautiful visual merit and year-round colour. This is an ideal seed mix for lawn enthusiasts or those wanting to add a touch of elegance to their garden, but do be aware that this seed mix produces a lawn that is largely ornamental and will not stand up to huge amounts of foot-traffic. If you need a more hard-wearing seed, we would recommend our Back Lawn seed mix.
45% Strong Creeping Red Fescue
15% Slender Creeping Red Fescue
30% Chewings Fescue
5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
5% Browntop Bent
15% Slender Creeping Red Fescue
30% Chewings Fescue
5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
5% Browntop Bent
We stock a range of different grass seed varieties, including Back Lawn, Front Lawn and Shady Lawn mixes. Browse our eBay store to see our grass seeds range, or see below for some frequently asking questions about our grass seeds.
How much grass seed will I need?
Lots of factors can affect the amount of grass seed you will need, including the area you will have to cover, and how well the soil you are sowing has been prepared and protected. As a general rule for new sowings, 1kg of grass seed will cover around 20-25 square metres. If you are oversowing, 1kg will cover as much as 80 square metres.
If you are unsure about how much grass seed you will need it is always best to order more than you think you might require, as any spare can be kept for up to 2 years if stored correctly in a cool dry place. This will also give you extra in case you need to patch any areas after the lawn is established.
When should I sow my grass seed?
The ideal conditions for sowing grass seed are in soil that is warm, with regular dampness from rain and no competition from other plants. Therefore, the best time of year to sow is generally between late summer and early autumn, as these are the most likely times for these conditions to be in place. Any later than this and you run the risk of a frost, which will kill grass seed and prevent it growing.
If you cannot sow during these months, the next best opportunity would be in mid-late spring, providing you can keep the soil well watered and there is no chance of frost. It is not a good idea to sow during the summer, as too much heat will make the soil too hard for the seed to take.
How do I sow a new lawn?
To sow a new lawn, begin by preparing the area by skimming off old grass and removing any large stones. Fork over the site, then rake it level. If desired you can rake in some fertiliser a few days before sowing, but this may not be necessary providing the conditions are right.
Sow the seed, then lightly rake over and water. After sowing make sure the area remains protected from birds, preferably with netting, and prevent any pets or people from walking on it. Pull up any weeds that grow by hand before they flower (once established the lawn should naturally stifle most weed growth). Keep well watered during dry spells, and do not cut the grass until the lawn is well established
How long will the seed take to grow?
There is no absolute rule about how long a lawn will take to grow, and much of it has to do with how well you maintain it and whether it is well protected while germinating. Usually you will see the grass begin to sprout after about 10 days, and the lawn should be fully established within 2 months.
While the lawn is growing, you can help maintain it with careful cutting. Once the grass is around 2 inches long, cut it back to around 1 inch with a mower and gently rake up any trimmings. Repeat this process for the next few times you cut, until the lawn has been fully established.
Please note: any product information, including indications of size, colour, flavour, texture or general appearance, are approximations only. Any images shown are for demonstrative purposes; actual product may differ in appearance.
This product has been packaged and stored in a facility where it may have come into contact with common allergens, including peanuts, milk, egg, wheat and fish products. Maltbys’ Stores 1904 Ltd do not sell any products that are intended for human consumption.
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